When investors look to the future and wonder if they will be able to retire comfortably, many question whether they have found the solutions that will really work.
But what does it mean to "work", or for that matter, to "retire"?
Within this website you will find a guide to the knowledge and resources that help you attract the abundance that makes it possible to answer these questions. And in the process, you'll explore how to achieve the happiness, health, wealth, and wisdom that can insure you have the future you desire.
You will meet individuals who have achieved this level of success and discover the secrets they have used to manifest their dreams and arrive to a place where they can share what they have learned with family and friends.
We invite you to browse these pages and see if you feel drawn to the philosophy and perspective that we describe. If so, you are welcome to participate in our community at whatever level feels most comfortable for you at this time.
A good place to begin is to sign-up for our free newsletter and/or our blog (links on this page and throughout the website).
In any case, thank you for visiting. We hope to see you here often in the days ahead!
Regards ... Douglas Hughes
Founder, NVST.org